Assessments are charged with a starting flat rate per assessment type. Session fees are charged after each individual session (for the initial interview, testing sessions, and feedback session). One combined scoring/report writing fee will also be charged before the final feedback session, where you will receive a copy of your formal assessment report. Our fees are set in accordance with the British Columbia Psychological Association (BCPA) guidelines (currently $235 per 50-minute session or $282 per hourly rate). A library materials cost (covering all copyrighted psychological testing forms) will also be included in your assessment fee. Assessments vary in cost depending on the referral question and complexity.
For complex assessments measuring more than one area, after consultation between yourself and the psychologist, an additional hourly rate can be added on top of the standard fee to accommodate testing for multiple areas (additional rate includes both testing hours + scoring and report writing hours). For example, if you are seeking an ADHD assessment for your child, but also want to expand the assessment to include other mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression, approximately 1 additional hour of interviewing and 1 additional hour of scoring/report writing fees can be added on top of the psychoeducational assessment.
In our daily acts of living, loving, working, healing, learning & playing, we would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are on the traditional & unceded territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and other Coast Salish Peoples. Huy ch q’u.