Form and Space Workshop

Join the Authentic Movement event with Dr Hillary McBride on Friday, October 18, 7:30pm, at Elgin Hall in South Surrey.

Navigating Political Differences 

 Let’s be real—these days, it’s nearly impossible to get through a conversation without politics popping up. And with the state of the world, who can blame us? Some of you thrive on political debates, some of you avoid them like the plague, and some of you are just begging for a conversation about literally anything […]

Coping with Borderline Personality Disorder 

  “I often raged and shamed when I felt angry and betrayed, then afterward would be filled with paralyzing regret.”-Lisa Parker  Do you often feel like your emotions are on a relentless rollercoaster, leaving you uncertain about how you’ll feel from one moment to the next? Do you find it challenging to maintain stable friendships, […]

Living and Coping with a Narcissist: A Guide to Understanding and Healing 

The term “narcissist” is frequently tossed around in conversations and media today. While it’s not uncommon to hear someone label their difficult boss, ex-partner, or parent as a narcissist, it’s important to approach this label with care. Not everyone who exhibits selfish or egotistical behavior meets the clinical criteria for narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Learning […]

Understanding and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome 

Have you ever found yourself questioning your abilities, wondering if you truly deserve the success you’ve achieved? Perhaps you’ve felt like a fraud, just waiting for someone to discover that you’re not as competent as they believe. If this resonates with you, you’re not alone. This feeling is known as Imposter Syndrome, and it’s more […]

Understanding Body Image  

Body image is a deeply personal and often painful experience for many people. If you’re reading this, it’s possible that you’re struggling with your own body image and the myriads of emotions that come with it, such as feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, or inadequacy. At Love This Therapy, we understand how hard this struggle […]

Embracing Change: The Emotional Journey of Immigrating

“Perhaps we are all immigrants trading one home for another, first we leave the womb for air then the suburbs for the filthy city in search of a better life, some of us just happen to leave entire countries”- Rupi Kaur  Today we are going to talk about something that can be wonderful and exciting […]

Understanding and Managing Anger 

Anger is a powerful emotion, and it’s one that we are all very familiar with. It’s a natural response to perceived threats, injustice, hurt, frustration, or loss. While it’s a normal and even healthy emotion, the way we manage our anger can have a profound impact on our relationships, our wellbeing, and our overall mental […]

The New Dad’s Roadmap: Thriving in Your Journey into Fatherhood 

Welcoming a new baby into your life is an exhilarating and terrifying experience that brings with it a myriad of emotions, responsibilities, and expectations. As a new dad it’s normal to feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you. You may feel like no one prepared you for the challenges of being […]

Trust: The Foundation of Healthy Relationships 

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships ~ Stephen Covey   Today, we’re exploring a topic that resonates deeply with everyone: trust. Trust is the foundation that supports and stabilizes our connections with partners, friends, family, and even ourselves. It fosters […]

Men and Mental Health: How Counselling Empowers Men 

In a society where “toughen up” is often equated with masculinity, men seeking counselling can encounter significant stigma and shame. However, there is an increasing recognition that true strength lies in acknowledging one’s struggles and seeking help. At Love This Therapy, we believe that everyone, inclusive of all genders, deserves support and empowerment on their […]